The Friday Mailing Postings
The relevant postings from the Friday Mailing will be added here.
13. H5P part 2
From Friday Mailing 11th February 2022
Coventry Diocese have been using H5P (interactive content) for a while now and have sent me half a dozen to show you. You can find them here§ion=10. They are happy for you to reuse and amend them. I spent a while trying to work out what is the easiest way to allow you to add them to your own Moodle site, before realising that an easy way is built in. If you look at the bottom left of any of the H5P activities you will see a “reuse” link (ignore the “embed” link that will not work). The reuse button allows you to download the H5P file. You can then upload it into a H5P interactive content activity in your own Moodle where you can use is as is, or edit it first. I discovered that you can just drag and drop the file into Moodle however that will use the standard H5P activity -this works but will not let you edit the content. So copying and reusing H5P activities is as easy as copying a picture, indeed it is easier to edit than a picture.
Pedagogical question – H5P is obviously great at presenting information in an interesting way and allowing students to engage with material in a way that tests what they are learning and helps embed it. The challenge I have for you is to think how might this type of activity promote higher, transformative learning. The obvious answer is that by getting the information transfer out of the way before your face to face session (or small group Zoom session) you can focus your time on discussing and applying knowledge. But do any of you have examples where the activity itself promotes deeper learning?